Beslutningsregler - Decision rules
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Beslutningsregler - Decision rules
This page explains how Eurofins Product Testing Denmark A/S applies decision rules and statements of conformity in accordance with ISO 17025:2017.
Decision rules describes how measurement uncertainty on a result will be accounted for, when stating conformity with a specific requirement. E.g. in comparison of a result with a given uncertainty against a legal requirement or limit value, which lead to a statement of pass/fail.
Eurofins Product Testing Denmark A/S applies the principles described in ILAC’s “Guidelines on decision Rules and Statements of Conformity” ILAC-G8:09/20190: That is, if legal, regulatory or an applicable standard specify a specific decision rule, conformity is evaluated accordingly. In all other cases, where no decision rule exists, conformity is based on simple acceptance without considering the measurement uncertainty. Results above the detection limit are always reported with two significant digits and decisions will be based on this.