Analytical Methods

SBL can specializes in analysis of malting barley and barley, with regard to “Copenhagen FOB”. We are utilizing MEBAK, Analytical-EBC, ASBC and GAFTA references.
We can analysis your malting barley for one parameter, or as a package solution with several analysis included. Currently, we have four packages available.
The packages include:
- Germination Energy (%)
- Sorting (Can be ordered with four seizes, or as above 2,5 mm and below 2,2 mm)
- Moisture content (%)
- Protein (%, factor 6.25, in dry matter)
- Purity of Sorting (%, With or without the analysis)
- Purity of Variety (%)
We have many analyses, which aren’t included on the list. If you want to hear more, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly on: